New Outboard Engines and parts are seriously backordered due to Covid and increased demand. That means that it is more important than ever to take care of your engine!! You want to make sure you are three steps ahead of any potential breakdowns that could be avoided.
Consider replacing critical parts that should be replaced every few years like water pumps, batteries, and thermostats. This is not the summer that you want to wait until your water pump dies and come to find out they are back ordered for a month, which is a good portion of our boating season in the northeast! Be on top of your boating game and check your owner’s manual and see when you are due for upcoming maintenance.
If you are planning to repower soon, put in your order ASAP so you are in the queue. Many new engines are backordered until the fall. I can’t stress this enough, pamper your engine this summer, it can only help you!!
Great tip! Thank you